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23 November 2011

New Puppies!!

We have 3 new additions to our family! Our Blue Heeler Isabella has three new babies. We don't know who he daddy is :( but they look kinda like they might be Shar Pei. Tell me what you think the daddy is!

Here are some new pics and pics of Momma :)

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  1. I can see a little Shar Pei in there! Soooo Cute. Is there a Shar in the area?

  2. When I was looking on the internet to see if I could figure out what kind of dog the daddy is, I showed my husband a picture of a Shar Pei and he said he had seen a dog that looked just like the one on the picture running around at one time. So I am pretty sure the daddy was a Shar Pei. The puppies look nothing like the momma at all. I will post a pic of her later today. :)
